Let Us Draw Near: A Commentary on Hebrews


David McClister

The Christian life can be described as a journey of faith through the wilderness of testing, ending in rest in the presence of God in the heavenly Most Holy Place, on the mountain of God.

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The Christian life can be described as a journey of faith through the wilderness of testing, ending in rest in the presence of God in the heavenly Most Holy Place, on the mountain of God. Hebrews is an early Christian sermon that was written for a group who were growing weary and thinking about quitting. The sermon’s exhortation is that a successful end comes only for those who persevere, which is the nature of true faith. Centuries later, this sermon still speaks powerfully to God’s people who, like the original audience, are making the journey of faith. This second edition offers an expanded and updated coverage of Hebrews, including a new excursus.

About the Author

David McClister is a professor of Biblical Studies and Biblical Languages at Florida College, in Temple Terrace, Florida, and is the author of Relationships in the Messianic Time, A Commentary on Philemon (2022).

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